
It’s important for pool owners to have an efficient pool operating system. New laws are on the horizon this summer that mean a change in new pool pump replacement pump sales. Variable Speed Pumps (VSP) create energy efficiency as well as save pool owners money....

Salt systems are quickly becoming a popular option for chlorinating and cleaning pool water. They allow you to move away from expensive chlorine while continuing to clean out contaminants. While you don’t need to purchase and use chlorine anymore, there are other care tips you...

There’s a lot of things you can say about Georgia. We have the best peaches around, we can fry just about anything, and our winters are actually quite nice compared to other parts of the country. So how can you prepare your swimming pool for...

Is It Safe to Swim During the Pandemic? There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads through water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas, according to experts at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s because disinfectants used to clean...

The CDC states that COVID-19 cannot survive in properly treated pool and hot tub water.  The World Health Organization states that controlling water quality is necessary to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.  It is Imperative that Public Aquatic Facilities be Properly Maintained for the Following Reasons:    1. The...

We know that there is lots of uncertainty out there right now due to COVID-19. However- it is widely recognized by health authorities in the U.S. and elsewhere that the continued treatment of water in both residential and public pools, spas and hot tubs is absolutely necessary to...